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Save Faster Shop Smarter
Our mission is simple it`s to help you save up and purchase products without building up debt or credit. Shop on our marketplace for things you want to buy. Create a savings wallet, as you start saving you receive brand discounts & cash rewards from our partners, plus you can share the link to your savings wallet with family & friends who can give you a donation to help fund your savings target. Once your target is reached make your purchase free of any debt or credit.
How it works
Join us and select what you want to purchase
Create a secure savings wallet for your purchase
As you save receive cash rewards and donations
Reach your target and buy without debt or credit
crowdfund your purchase
Let your network help
Reach your savings goals faster, invite family and friends to help fund your shopping purchase , just send them the link to your savings wallet so they can send a donation and help fund your savings target.
Get what you want
without Debt or Credit
every time you shop
Cash Rewards
Coming soon
Save and Buy Later
with the help of others
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